cité des sciences

maison de l'innovation

Research and innovation are the driving forces behind the “Cité des Sciences” (City of Science) and are strategic pillars for the Belval site’s future development. The Innovation cluster in the middle of the industrial remains symbolises continuity in scientific and technical progress on the site. It is the centrepiece of the site and includes the Biotech building, the “Maison de l’Innovation” (House of Innovation) and the “Incubateur d’entreprises” (Business Incubator). The Maison de l’Innovation will host research activities that require high performance software with important operational potential in the fields of information, communication and health. Located in the centre of the group of monuments formed by blast furnaces A and B, the overall environment of the Maison de l’Innovation is characterised by its complex functionality and huge size. Its architecture is not in competition with the industrial remains, but rather seeks a dialogue, providing a quiet and sober response to the opulent diversity of the blast furnaces.