cité des sciences

maison de la biomédecine

Research and innovation are the driving forces behind the “Cité des Sciences” (City of Science) and are the strategic pillars for future development of the Belval site. The Innovation cluster in the middle of the industrial remains symbolises the continuity in scientific and technical progress at the site. It is the centrepiece of the site and includes the Biotech building, the “Maison de l’Innovation” (House of Innovation) and the “Incubateur d’entreprises” (Business Incubator). Designed to meet the needs of the «Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine» of l’Université du Luxembourg, the Biotech building (House of Biomedicine) is set in the heart of the Blast Furnace Terrace, along the axis of the Highway. Its intended minimalist architecture is in contrast to the structures of the blast furnaces, which are overloaded with detailed elements and complex forms.